Office (760)  244-0021   
Antelope Valley Journal  3166 East Palmdale Blvd. STE. 107 Palmdale, CA 93550

FBN's & DBA's  $59.00
Valleywide Newspapers, LLC. | 16925 Main Street Hesperia, CA 92345 | Phone: 760-244-0021 | Fax: 760-244-6609
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$59.00 Publishing Price Includes 1 Business Name and 1 Owners Names, Additional Names $2.00 each
We Also Publish: Abandonment, Withdrawals, Summons, Citations, Orders to Show Cause (Name Changes), Notices of Default, Probate Notices, Notices of Sale of Real Property, Dissolutions of Partnership, Bulk Sales, Notices of Annual Report. Call for Additional Services
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Your FBN / DBA statement must appear in the newspaper within 30 days from the filing date
or it becomes obsolete and must be refiled again with another filing fee charge from the County Recorder's Office
Antelope Valley Journal is a legally adjudicated newspapers of general circulation for the Los Angeles county.
Office (661) 947-5009  Fax (760) 244-6609
  Serving the Los Angeles County
Office (661) 947-5009  Fax (661) 947-5208
Valleywide Newspapers LLC
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  (keep your proof of publication for your records, you may need it to open or change your bank account or obtain a business license)
Publishing your FBN / DBA statement is simple:

Just bring it, fax it, upload it or mail a copy of your completed stamped statement to:

Antelpoe Valley Journal

3166 East Palmdale Blvd. STE 107
Palmdale, CA 93550


Your Fictitious Business Name will now be published once a week for four consecutive weeks. After your FBN/DBA has been published for the required period, you will receive by mail your affidavit called a Proof of Publication that is now filed with county clerk in your area to show that your publication has been completed.
After publishing is complete, your Fictitious Business Name will be active for five years, before it must be renewed.